Friday October 2nd, following the release of an art exhibit “See Injustice” Bronx Native B.Morgan was asked to open up day 2 of Confront Art’s unveiling of statues honoring the lives of the late George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Statesman and civil rights activist John Lewis. Hosted by former mayoral candidate PaperBoy The Prince and guided by the sounds of the infamous DJ Mr. Famous, B.Morgan offered up a very fitting selection, a cover of the late Sam Cooke’s classic “Change Gonna Come” With 0 music, just vocals and emotion Morgan delivered a powerful acapella that not only ripped the crowd but set the tone for the night. Other speakers and performers included grammy award winning R&B artist Ne-Yo’s new artist Miles, Black women march cofounder Kimberly Bernard and brother of George Floyd Terrence Floyd. Andrew Cohen collaborated with artist Chris Carnabuci and Confront Art’s Lindsay Eshelman to produce the public exhibit that features plywood statues with 200 layers each and bronze finishes. Carnabuci with the blessing of the Floyd, Taylor & Lewis families and foundations began his work during last years civil unrest. Less than 48 hours after the unveil the George Floyd statue was vandalized by an unknown assailant prompting Terrence Floyd to offer the assailant to come forward for a face to face conversation stating he wants the vandal to get what he deserves … but he also wants a chance to sit down with the guy and hash things out. Confront Art immediately sprang into action organizing a crew to clean the deraced statue.
“#Seeinjustice” can be viewed in Union Square at the George Washington Statue and will run until October 31st.
For more on Confront Art visit their website Here
For more about B. Morgan follow him on instagram Here