Disgraced comedian Bill Cosbyseems to be already making enemies with his fellow prison inmates as it is reported that he caught a chicken patty to the face for telling a joke another inmate did not find amusing.

According to Radar Online, while it was recently reported that Cosby has been forming a friendly rapportwith some of his fellow inmates, not all seem to be frolicking towards him as he recently seemed to upset one, in particular.

Going on two weeks in the slammer for sexually assaulting former Temple University employee Andrea Constand, the 81-year-old was slapped in the face with a chicken patty that was hurled towards him.

“Mr. Cosby cracked a joke to another inmate by his infirmary, and that inmate was mad enough to take his chicken out of the bun and plunge it at him,” a source told the site.

Though random, this actually is not the first time within the short period that Cosby has been assaulted with food. Within minutes of arriving to his initial jail back in September, the former TV dad was allegedly slapped in the head with a stale hot dog bun.


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