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Nicki Minaj is “spiraling out of control,” say top music-industry insiders, amid disastrous tour ticket sales — and she’s lashing out at Travis Scottand Kylie Jenner, accusing them of using their baby to boost his album sales.
We’re told stubs for her upcoming tour — to begin next month — aren’t flying off the shelves.
A Live Nation source told us, “Nicki’s tour could be the most disappointing ticket sales of the year for any artist. These are big arenas with up to 20,000 capacities. Sales for opening night in Baltimore is 2,000 tickets. LA is 3,400, New Orleans 1,000, Denver 1,300, Chicago 3,900. Even her hometown Brooklyn is only 5,050.”
Sources even said the tour is in danger of being canceled.
Meanwhile, on Monday, Minaj went after Scott and Jenner on her Beats 1 show, “Queen Radio,” accusing them of manipulating the sales of his No. 1 album by using a well-known industry cheat of bundling free albums with cheap merchandise — like clothing and so-called tour passes — to bump up sales figures.
Minaj fumed that Scott was “selling f - - king sweaters [and] tour passes” and parading daughter Stormi “for publicity.”